
Healthy Ways to Flavor Your Water So You Will Want To Drink MORE

I don't know about you but, I actually like the taste of water. And like everyone else I too like some variety. Since it is a vital nutrient that I need to consume a lot of, I am always looking for a healthy way to get more of it. After all, I only have this one body. Why am I so obsessed with water? That's for another post. 😎 
Here Are Some of My Favorite Healthy Ways to Flavor Water 
  • Essential Oils (Not all essential oils are quality controlled and safe for consumption. This is why I ONLY use a certain brand with the supplement facts on the bottle.  I just add about 2 - 4 drops to my 12 - 22 ounces and voila healthy and tasty water. 
    • Most Citrus oils like Lemon, Lime, Wild Orange, Tangerine & Grapefruit. These last two help to curb your appetite and raise your metabolism a little.
    • Mint oils like Peppermint and Spearmint are very refreshing and help promote digestion and help reduce occasional upset stomach. While Spearmint has become a favorite on its own, I also really like it with a couple drops of Chocolate Liquid Stevia, a great no calorie desert drink!
    • Herb essential oils are very popular. Try Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Fennel (love this one!), Basil, Rosemary, etc.
  •  Stevia flavored sweeteners (my favorite brand is SweetLeaf) If you have not used this before, let me caution you to use just a DROP maybe two. Try it and if you want it sweeter add another drop one at a time. If you add too much, you will have a bitter aftertaste. Like essential oils - less is better!
  • Fruit juices add just a little as these have calories! You just want a hint of flavor so start with a Tablespoon or two.
  • Fresh Veggies & Fruits There are sooo many combo options cucumbers, celery,  zucchini, tomatoes, watermelon, strawberries, mint, grapefruit and orange slices. Remember to wash them thoroughly.
  • Herbal Tea These are High Alkaline  which helps your Ph balance and since they have   NO caffeine it makes a  good water replacement. To me hot or cold there is nothing like a cup/glass of tea! When the weather is warm out I drink a lot of Iced Tea so, I make it by the batches. Fortunately I still have my  Mr. Coffee Ice Tea Maker (I think I got it in the 80's).  It is also easy to make iced tea either on the stove or using solar power. If you do decide to pour your hot tea over ice, REMEMBER to put a spoon in the glass so it doesn't crack!
  • Flavored Ice Cubes This is an easy way to have flavored water on hand.  Just pour pureed fruit or vegetables into ice trays or add a piece of fruit, herbs or veggies and then add water in the trays. Let them freeze up and add to your glass of water for a tasty treat!  
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I'm always looking for more great ideas so please share in comments!
Blessings for Health, Joy & Laughter,

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