
How to Improve Your Metabolic Health

Here we are at the start of a new year and that means figuring out what we want for the year. For you it may mean shedding or gain weight, having more energy, better brain function. Or maybe it is figuring out how to handle the stress life throws at you, or improving overall mood, maybe getting better sleep would help. 
I think overall, we all just want to be healthier with the ability to do what we want for as long as we want. 
In other words – slow down or even reverse the aging process. Wouldn’t you agree?

What would you say if I told you that it is possible to have all this? Well, it is. 
Research over the last decade has been making many discoveries that can help you to live your best, fullest life! 
It all comes down to having good metabolic health.

Good metabolic health means your body can digest and absorb nutrients from food with healthy, stable levels of blood sugar, blood fat, and insulin. Fluctuations in these levels are natural, but it’s important to avoid big spikes, which can contribute to long-term health issues.

The good news is the choices you make daily can put you in control of your metabolic health! 
Your metabolism can be optimized at any stage of life by focusing on these five pillars:
  • Healthy Eating
  • Daily Movement
  • Healthy Connections
  • Stress Management
  • Smart Supplementation

Healthy Eating   
Did you know that the foods you eat can be the most important tool you have in changing your metabolic health?
Eating a diet that’s rich in whole foods that are prepared in a healthy way is the foundation of good nutrition.  
Whole and minimally processed foods are close to their natural form and don’t have added sugars, fats, flavorings, or artificial ingredients. Whole foods grow or come from something that grows. They include all food groups: fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, grains, dairy, and proteins. Whole foods don’t have to be necessarily fresh or organic to count. Just focus on food option that haven’t had nutrients removed or chemicals added and are prepared in a healthy way.

On the other end, we have the ultra-processed foods which will have a long ingredient lists, contain unnatural flavors
 and colors, and come packaged in a way that makes them incredibly easy to eat. Ultra-processed foods are energy-dense and nutrient poor. These foods are made with unnatural amounts of highly-stimulating chemicals—especially sugar, fat, and salt—to get you to eat more, more, and more.

A few examples of ultra-processed foods would include sodas and energy drinks, chips and snack foods, ice cream, fast food, lots of frozen meals, instant noodles, instant oatmeal, sauces, energy bars, breakfast cereals, and flavored yogurt.

And then we have that gray area of processed foods lying in between whole foods and ultra-processed foods. This can be a tricky area to navigate. 
For example, salsa can be made with whole-food ingredients and spices—tasty and nutritious. Yet salsa can also be highly processed with little nutritional value and lots of additives. 

Common sense can get you part of the way there, but when it comes to food processing you still need to be careful with your choices. The food industry is sneaky when it comes to making unhealthy foods appear healthy.

How to get started with healthier eating:
First off don’t try to change everything all at once. You will be setting yourself up for failure. Instead, look at what you are currently eating and work at swapping out some of the unhealthy items for healthier choices.
For example, we no longer eat potato chips, so I don’t buy them. If we want something salty, we will have air popped popcorn. And now that is even very rare since our tastes have adapted.

Keep making additional changes each week as you shop. I have found it very helpful to plan out the meals for the week and just purchase what I need. Batch cooking/baking is also a great time saver. I simple double any recipe as I am making it. Then divide into serving portions and freeze. This helps to avoid the "take-out" or ‘fast-food’ trips when life get a bit harried. I now have enough soups, stews, casseroles, etc. in my freezer that I no longer cook a whole meal from scratch more than 2 nights a week.  

Another very important part of healthy eating is making sure you are
drinking enough water each and every day.
A good rule to aim for is half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weight 150 lbs then you will want to be drinking 75 ounces.
 Sodas, juices, coffee, black tea, and alcoholic beverages do not count towards your water intake. In fact, they work against you. For ever ounce of those beverages you need to drink twice as much water. Good new is that herbal tea will count towards your water intake. Check out this post on Ways to Flavor Your Water.
Also, try to get in at least half of your water before say 2:00 pm. You don’t want to be getting up all night to make a trip to the bathroom!

Here are some other helpful tips to get you going:
  • Eat vegetables and fruits with every meal. 
  • Include protein and fiber with every meal. (Learn more about The Power of Protein and Fiber, Why eat it?)
  • Stop eating after 7:00 p.m. (or 3 hours before going to bed) 
  • Cut snacks out of your day. (Need some help with this? The all natural MetaPWR Blend really helps with this)
  • Eat at home and avoid takeout or fast food
  • Sit at the table to eat and eat mindfully, enjoying every bit.
  • Be aware of your portion sizes. Check out my free series – Controlling Your Portions, in my Natural Solutions Facebook group 

Come back for more posts about the other four pillars of Metabolic Health so you can live your best life.
Got questions? 
Looking for some extra help with your Metabolic Health? 
Comment below or privately contact me HERE
Blessings for Health, Joy & Laughter,

P.S. Would you like to live Younger, Healthier, Longer? 
Get my free guide 10 Secrets to Age Healthier
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